Thursday, October 8, 2009

And no...

I'm not pregnant.

God is good.

And here are a few examples of His goodness...

  1. My daughter is talking in short, yet complete, sentences.

Example: Last night while eating quite the tasty dinner at Casa Ole, she decided to tell us a story. Granted, it was a 2-year old version, so it was very simple. First, she pointed to the butter on the table and called it "Mommy". Sweet, I know. Then, she pointed to the honey on the table and called it "Daddy". She concluded her little narrative with, "Baby coming." I have to admit, that I have been hoping her first sentence would be "I love Mommy." However, "Baby coming" will have to do, I suppose. I understand she left out the all important "is" in this sentence, but we're working on it. Once she has a complete gerund phrase, I will let you know. Also, I'll let you know when she has learned the difference between the truth and falsehoods. I immediately began praying that her spiritual gift is not prophecy.

2. We have a new house!!

The funny thing about moving is that no place, no matter how wonderful, is ever without its flaws. While we are beyond thrilled to be in a new, much more spacious home, we have had an adventurous first week. First, we discovered a minor electrical problem in our bathroom. The shower light seems to only want to work when you don't really need it to. I'll turn it on before I get in the shower, and inevitably it turns itself off before I've finished washing my hair! What gives? Also, we have yet to have a functioning light where the toilet is. I'll leave you to draw any additional conclusions about this that you care to.

Also, we discovered that our upstairs bathroom has a minor plumbing issue. And by minor I mean that flushing the toilet results in sewage seeping into the bathtub through the drain. Yeah. It's as disgusting as you're thinking it is. Very gross. Thankfully, it's the upstairs bathroom that never gets used. Whatever happened in that bathroom happened before we moved in. I'm still not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

3. I have two tests next week.

I know, I know. You're probably sitting there now thinking, "How can this be a demonstration of God's goodness?" Well, I'm so glad you asked! Yesterday, in my Marriage Therapy class, my teacher decided to let us review the exam. Notice I didn't say "review FOR the exam". He literally let us REVIEW THE EXAM. As in look at the actual test for 10 minutes and "write down whatever notes we needed to."

Now, I have to follow this statement of God's goodness with an explanation. Next week is a first time event for me. Since I have been in graduate school, I have never had a week (outside of finals week) where I had more than one test. Next week is the first time in two and a half years that I will have two tests in one week. Needless to say, I've been a bit worried about this for the past several weeks. To this, God says, "Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes."- The Message

God is good.

So, how has God been good to you recently?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Long time....

No see. Or write would be more appropriate I guess! I just looked at the last time I blogged, and it was 5 months ago! Let's see, 5 months ago was the end of April and beginning of May. I was prepping for finals of what I hope was the most horrendous semester of my life as far as grad school goes. I look back on those weeks, and I honestly don't know how I survived. But thankfully, the Lord saw fit to see me through yet another three courses on this journey known as "getting my Master's degree". Also, our family was preparing for Braelyn's first appearance as flower girl in our friend's wedding. It was a gorgeous ceremony, and I have to say that my daughter made her family so proud as she walked (as in she did not run as she had EVERY time we practiced!) perfectly down the center aisle to her beaming mom. It was a beautiful moment of sweet pride for me, as I was quickly seeing how grown up she was becoming (even at 18 months old!). We had practiced so many times with her trying to get her to walk while sweetly carrying her little basket full of flower was a picture-perfect moment. Then, when I picked her up to take her to the back of the sanctuary, she did the unthinkable. As I hoisted her up telling her how awesome she had done and giving her an animal cracker to try to keep peace during the most climactic moment of any wedding ceremony, it happened. Braelyn chunked....and I do mean CHUNKED her beautiful little basket of flowers on the floor, and quickly followed it with a loud and proud laugh that filled the thick and anticipatory silence in the room. I quickly decided that was not the moment to attempt to fix the mess. Thankfully it was out of the way enough that I thought we had avoided the stage scene to be shot in every picture that was to be in our dear friend's wedding album. I found out later that apparently no one else even saw what had happened...thank you Lord! The last thing I wanted was for anyone to be looking at us when the bride was having her moment coming down the aisle. What a fun (and yes, I'll admit it, stressful) day that was.

Now, we are preparing for a certain little girl's second birthday party. I'm trying to decide between 101 Dalmatians, or the Little Mermaid theme. I just don't know yet. I need to decide soon though so that I can get invites out. I think we will make this one mainly family, and a few friends. I figure next year we will probably have our first "real" birthday party, complete with kiddos, cheesy games, and party favors that no parent ever wants to bring home with them.

Well, hopefully this won't be the last post for the next 5 months....getting back into a routine again, and I am hoping that blogging will have a designated block of time somewhere in my crazy schedule.